Services Products All Products Container desiccants Absorpole AbsorBag AbsorGel Hanging AbsorGel Blanket AbsorGel Max & Compact AbsorGel Sheet In-box desiccants AbsorGel Pouches AbsorGel Sheet Accessories Packaging Industries Agriculture Electronics Cocoa Automotive Beverage Knowledge Moisture Magazine Container rain Moisture damage costs Why calcium chloride? Moisture damage Caking Corrosion FAQ Webinars About Our organization R&D Quality and production News Our people Transparency & Accountability Sustainability Sustainable desiccants Circular economy program Contact Language Contact us Automotive The automotive industry is characterized by its high-quality demands, where defects cannot exceed more than a handful of parts per million. Errors in the upstream supply chain cause major problems, and defects due to corrosion can endanger production lines. To avoid corrosion, technologies like surface treatments, oiling and VCI are widely used. These are costly as well as environmentally questionable. But all these solutions can be replaced by using more cost-effective and sustainable desiccants in the AbsorGel® family. Common products Engine parts, steering components, brake systems, chassis components, sheet metal products and other metal components. Common damages and problems Corrosion Damaged packaging Collapsed packaging Mould and mildew Untreated or in other ways unprotected metal will be exposed to humidity. Therefore, the risk of corrosion is severe. Re-working a corroded part involves both costs and an environmental burden. Or worst case, it must be scrapped entirely. Our solutions It is essential to make sure unnecessary moisture is not added during packing and loading. This is preferably achieved by reviewing packing/loading using our POMM process. For larger components (chassis, engines, knock-down solutions, etc), protection with AbsorGel® container desiccants is cost-efficient and has a low carbon footprint. Strongly consider replacing costly and environmentally questionable VCI solutions with AbsorGel® in-box family. Related information Whitepaper: “Corrosion Prevention” Solutions for the automotive industry