Services Products All Products Container desiccants Absorpole AbsorBag AbsorGel Hanging AbsorGel Blanket AbsorGel Max & Compact AbsorGel Sheet In-box desiccants AbsorGel Pouches AbsorGel Sheet AbsorTerra Accessories Packaging Industries Agriculture Electronics Cocoa Automotive Beverage Knowledge Moisture Magazine Container rain Moisture damage costs Why calcium chloride? Moisture damage Caking Corrosion FAQ Webinars About Our organization R&D Quality and production News Our people Transparency & Accountability Sustainability Sustainable desiccants Circular economy program Contact Language Contact us Our sustainability commitment Being leaders in moisture protection technology comes with important responsibilities, and we have decided to also take a lead within Sustainability. Contributing globally to sustainable development is a key component of our corporate strategy. Our commitment We are founded on the belief that we are responsible for the impact that we have on society, the economy and the environment. We are committed to helping make improvements for humans and the environment within our sphere of influence. This includes the whole supply chain, from extraction of raw materials to the end of use of our products, as well as waste of resources among our stakeholders. We fulfill this commitment by: Constantly evaluating and improving quality, environmental and sustainability performance for the AbsorRange products and related processes, and involving all our employees in the improvement process. Contributing to a circular economy by striving to use renewable or reused material in our products and produce them with high resource efficiency. Reducing the climate impact from our production sites and our products by preventing pollution of air, soil and water from our processes. Reducing waste and energy consumption, and managing the resulting waste in an environmental manner for all processes and AbsorRange products within their lifecycle. Taking social responsibility into consideration in all decisions that we make. Respecting the rule of law and international norms of behavior, as well as regulations applicable to our products and processes. This includes, for example, environmental regulations, no forced or child labor, good health and safety, non-discrimination, equity, integrity, civil and political rights, the right to life and liberty, equality before the law, freedom of expression and anti-corruption. Communicating Absortech’s quality, environmental and sustainability initiatives to suppliers, subcontractors and partners with the objective to influence them to take part in improvement for society, the economy and the environment. Sustainable desiccants Circular economy program Our progress 2020 was the year when we escalated our ambitions within sustainability. We decided to certify our Management System according to ISO 14001:2015. And we set a goal to reduce our CO2 footprint for our container desiccants. At the same time, we re-worked our Code of Conduct and made it our guidelines on how to act in our day-to-day work. But the Code of Conduct are also guidelines for our partners and suppliers. We don’t have time to postpone actions for a sustainable future and in early 2021 we introduced a new range of desiccant the lowest carbon footprint. We also introduced a circular economy program called Return-to-Reuse. But these were just the first steps. There is more to come! Committed to quality and the environment Our quality and environmental management systems are our framework to ensure we fulfill our stakeholders’ demands, deliver products and services with quality, and constantly reduce the impact of our activities on the environment. Our Groups holds ISO 9001:2015 (Quality) and 14001:2015 (Environment) certificates. Read more about our management system Code of Conduct For us, it is not only important what we do but also how we do it. Our Code of Conduct is a guideline for Absortech Group, our partners and suppliers that defines how to act and take decisions on a daily basis in an ethical and responsible way. The code reflects our core values and company culture. Download