All Products Container desiccants Absorpole AbsorBag AbsorGel Hanging AbsorGel Blanket AbsorGel Max & Compact AbsorGel Sheet In-box desiccants AbsorGel Pouches AbsorGel Sheet AbsorTerra Accessories Packaging Contact us AbsorGel® Max & Compact AbsorGel® Max and Compact are desiccants that fit into highly loaded containers as, when installed, they are very close to the container ceiling. The AbsorHanger™ used for Max and Compact can easily be uninstalled upon arrival. AbsorGel desiccants absorb moisture through a permeable leakage-proof material Absorbed moisture reacts with starch and turns into a gel that will not leak Absorbing agent is calcium chloride of 94% purity and modified starch Product specifications Safety Data Sheet Technical Product sheet Why choose AbsorGel Max & Compact? High absorption capacity (>300%) AbsorGel Max and Compact are installed very close to the container ceiling Easy to install with smart accessories enabling installation from container Low CO2 footprint The installation accessory (AbsorHanger) can be recycled. Available sizes: Compact 0.75 kg and Max 1.5 kg Installation options Vertical installation in container lashing ring AbsorGel Max & Compact installation guide