Services Products All Products Container desiccants Absorpole AbsorBag AbsorGel Hanging AbsorGel Blanket AbsorGel Max & Compact AbsorGel Sheet In-box desiccants AbsorGel Pouches AbsorGel Sheet AbsorTerra Accessories Packaging Industries Agriculture Electronics Cocoa Automotive Beverage Knowledge Moisture Magazine Container rain Moisture damage costs Why calcium chloride? Moisture damage Caking Corrosion FAQ Webinars About Our organization R&D Quality and production News Our people Transparency & Accountability Sustainability Sustainable desiccants Circular economy program Contact Language Contact us Cocoa Cocoa beans are a high-value product but also a very sensitive crop, especially with regard to moisture damage. Due to cocoa beans’ natural condition, the use of desiccants is mandatory during shipping to keep these precious characteristics intact. Common products Cocoa beans Common damages and problems Damaged packaging Bad or changed smell Bad or changed taste Farming and handling take place in high temperature and high relative humidity climate zones. Therefore, moisture may be brought into the packaging, and into the container. At loading, cocoa beans often have a moisture level of approx. 8%. During shipping, part of this moisture will evaporate in the container, so the risk of container rain is severe. Our solutions It is essential to make sure unnecessary moisture is not added during packing and loading. This is preferably achieved by reviewing packing/loading using our POMM process. We recommend using the high-performance AbsorGel® High-performance and low carbon footprint. FCC Guidelines-compliant for shipping cocoa beans Recommended and approved by key insurance companies Related information Brochure: Solutions for Cocoa Solutions for the Cocoa industry