Where the €/&#§% is my shipment?

It’s easy to understand that a damaged client relationship is costly. But it’s difficult to know exactly how much it costs. It becomes simpler to calculate if your client decides to leave you for someone else. One lost shipment may not be enough for that to happen. But a couple might.

So how do you take control of this challenge? It’s complicated, as your supplier usually is in a completely different place than you are. That makes it difficult to take ownership of moisture prevention, especially if you’re not that familiar with how moisture damage works.

The fact remains – scrapped shipments (partly or fully damaged) due to moisture damage are very common and completely unnecessary. By investing in an audit with the goal to identify the root cause of moisture damage, and reviewing loading procedures, you can almost erase the risk of moisture damage completely.

Reach out to us and we will take this burden off your shoulders. We will come up with a solution that you can integrate in your purchase order, just like any other shipping instruction.

This way you won’t have to make phone calls to disappointed clients anymore.

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